[JcJ] Honneur échangeable en Bataillon & upgrades du stuff JcJ craft

jcj world wof warcraft the war within bataillon honneur échange compte

Blizzard s’essaye à de nouveaux changements concernant le JcJ, à savoir la possibilité d’échanger l’Honneur avec votre Bataillon (Compte) et une nouvelle façon d’améliorer votre équipement JcJ craft.

Ainsi, vous pourrez améliorer votre équipement en achetant des composants avec de l’Honneur et des Conquêtes à la place des étincelles hebdomadaires.

Le but étant de rendre l’obtention de l’équipement JcJ basé plus sur l’effort que sur le temps.

Les axes principaux abordés dans cet article sont les suivants :

  • L’Honneur peut être échangée à votre Bataillon.
  • Les Recettes de métiers d’équipement JcJ sont achetés contre un gros montant d’Honneur mais ne sont pas liés et peuvent être vendus à l’Hôtel des Ventes.
  • L’équipement de métier JcJ utilisera des composants achetables avec de l’Honneur et des Conquêtes au lieu de l’Étincelle hebdomadaire. Si vous avez la monnaie demandée, vous pouvez fabriquer votre équipement sans attendre !
  • Les Recettes s’achètent une seule fois et ne changeront pas d’une saison à l’autre. Cela étant dit, vous devrez reforger votre équipement pour le mettre à niveau.
  • Les châsses peuvent être ajoutées à l’équipement JcJ en utilisant l’objet spécial Vicious Jeweler’s Setting, achetable avec de l’Honneur ou l’objet Vicious Bloodstone, ou encore en les obtenant en récompense de matchs victorieux ou bien lors de certaines activités en Mode Guerre.
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Official Post)

  • Honor can be transferred between characters at a 80% conversion rate.

Developer’s note: Greetings folks! We would like to provide some insight as to how crafting and sockets integrate with PvP.

  • To replace the removal of sockets from the Great Vault, a new item called the Vicious Jeweler’s Setting will be purchasable from a vendor at a cost of Honor and Bloodstones. This item will allow you to put a socket on any piece of PvP equipment that is eligible to have a socket, and rings and necklaces can have up to two sockets like the PvE counterpart. Note that the Jewelcrafting version of the socketer is not compatible with PvP equipment. We would like for the journey to full gems on PvP gear to be meaningful but effort-gated rather than time-gated, and intend for the cost to be roughly comparable to the effort required were this still sourced from
    the Great Vault.
  • Additionally, this item can occasionally drop from end-of-match victory boxes with a much higher chance to drop from certain War Mode activities.
  • Crafted PvP gear is receiving a few updates as well. In Dragonflight Season 2, we added Optional Reagents that allowed you to enhance any piece of crafted Spark equipment with Honor or Conquest item level. This allowed for much greater stat customization and enabled most crafted embellishments to exist as options within the PvP ecosystem. Unfortunately, this came with the downside of being gated by the acquisition of your bi-weekly Crafting Sparks which ultimately slowed down the ability to acquire and use this gear and proved to be an obstacle in gearing simultaneously for PvP and PvE content. Finally, the seasonal nature of our starter PvP gear resulted in a flood of largely duplicate recipes.
  • In The War Within, we’re working to smooth out these rough edges through the following changes:

    • Crafted PvP recipes will now be primarily sourced through a vendor at a heavy cost of Honor. These recipes will continue to drop from victory boxes, but at a much lower rate.
    • Regardless of how you acquire them, the recipes are not Bind on Pickup and can be sold or traded to other players.
    • These recipes are evergreen for the expansion, and you will not need to collect a full suite of recipes season over season.
    • What was previously optional reagents are now required reagents that function similarly to the spark. You can purchase these with Honor and Conquest just as before, and each recipe will require a quantity equivalent in cost to what the vendor offers for that slot. Essentially, if you have the currency, you can choose to craft PvP gear.
    • The “Starter” set of crafted PvP gear will remain BoE and the reagent used to craft it will drop in high quantities from victory boxes and is also tradeable. You will be able to purchase this reagent with honor as well, though at a slightly higher cost to Honor gear due to its tradability.
    • When we enter a new season, this set of reagents will no longer be obtainable and a new set with updated item levels will take their place. As usual, you can Recraft these to higher item levels once you acquire the reagents necessary.

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